Haystack Connect 2023

Published on 07 Jun 2023 by Emma Eynon

Haystack Connect 2023

Fantom Factory were proud to be silver sponsors for the Haystack Connect event this year.

We had a fantastic time meeting up with familiar faces and clients and meeting so many new ones!


Probably the biggest news from the event was (unsurprisingly) about the new Project Haystack version 5. The board unveiled their new Project Xeto addition which will reshape how Project Haystack tags work together for templating.

Project Xeto


For those of you who joined us at Haystack Connect this week, you saw some of the early work on Xeto. Xeto is designed as a data specification language for building Haystack templates that can be used to streamline building and validating Haystack data models.

Up to this point, Xeto has been developed via a small group and funded by the US Dept of Energy. But we would now like to invite the larger Haystack community to collaborate on the continued design to help us standardize it as an official component of Project Haystack.

Project Haystack Training

We gave a presentation and even a live demonstration of our Haystack Essentials eLearning which is the easiest way to learn about Project Haystack 4.

Event Roundup

There seems to be plenty of interest in using Project Haystack and there were many talks from building industry leaders on the virtues of Haystack data modelling.

Project Xeto will make Project Haystack tags more intuitive and flexible which should help with wider adoption.

Now we just need to update the training course for this version 5!

Nashville Photos

directors photo

steve at the table

Emma at the table

rooftop photo

downtown nashville

bridge downtown

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