Sponsors of SkyPosium 2023
Published on 12 Oct 2023 by Emma Eynon

We had some important news to share at this year's SkySpark conference!
Representing the team at New Orleans were Aaron and Steve who sacrificed their time to make the trip from Wales to the USA! (Poor things!)
They met up with some familiar faces - do you know them too?
Company news
The reason we sent them all that way?
To tell the community all about our amazing new services!
Developer Tools
We've released 2 new software extensions to enable SkySpark developers to do more in-house (without Fantom).
An easy way to write unlimited HTTP connectors for SkySpark.
A software extension which enables your Folio files to be synchronised to a file system location. (Perfect for working with code management systems as a team.)
Read more about our software bundle.
High-end Dashboards
This year we've worked with a whole range of clients developing executive dashboard functionality and reports for SkySpark data displays.
Watch the video showreel:
We specialise in building high-end responsive dashboards for SkySpark, so in fact, the hardest part of the whole process is actually just deciding what to have!
The good news is that we've just made this process even easier with our new Dashboard Designer tool! Our handy widget page lets you explore popular dashboard layouts and visualisations to create your new Executive Dashboard order.
Any questions?
We love to help the global community with advanced SkySpark solutions.
Get in touch and let's arrange a chat about your new project requirements.