SkySpark's new v3.1 release - what's new?

Published on 20 Sep 2021 by Steve Eynon

SkySpark's new v3.1 release - what's new?

SkySpark v3.1 is a big update from v3.0! But what does this actually mean?

SkySpark developers probably already know all the details, but for the rest of us, read on to find out what we make of the release!


If you plan to upgrade your projects to v3.1, then make sure to run the Migration Tool.

There are a couple of breaking changes where tags have been renamed and re-purposed. Following the Migration Guide will ensure your projects still work as expected.

In a nutshell...

If you use SkySpark in a fairly vanilla flavour, (that is, without much customisation or external software configuration), then everything "should" really continue as normal.

But if you happen to use:

  • weather stations
  • classic apps
  • clustering
  • Fantom code (extensions, views, and connectors)

...then you may need to pay particularly close attention to this major release!

Read the full details on the SkyFoundry website

SkySpark Build 3.1.1 -

Weather stations

Tags for weather and weather stations have been fully converted to use Haystack v4 standards. That means the tags have changed names!

It may sound scary, but if you run the Migration tool then all the records should update.

However, any custom filter expressions around weather that you may have in Views or Axon functions will still need to be manually updated.

Classic Apps

The classic apps have finally been removed from SkySpark!

The classic apps were a hold over from the legacy SkySpark v2.1 application. Their removal signifies a bold step forward into v3 technology.

Read about the removal of classic apps in this linked announcement.


Changes in the cryptology framework means SkySpark clusters will need to be updated; namely the "host" key pair has been replaced by a self-signed certificate.

Again, if you run the Migration tool then this should be taken care of.


The Fantom API has changed in numerous places, and a few pods have even been renamed. This means all Fantom code needs to be recompiled against the new SkySpark codebase to ensure continued compatibility.

As a Fantom software based company, this release affects a number of our Fantom products. And yes, we are busy updating them all!

Please bear with us as we update our pods on StackHub.


A large reason for all these Fantom updates is that SkySpark now uses the core, opensource Haxall libraries.

Enhancements and features

  • A whole new Green House Gas application has been added!
  • All online services, such as license updates, patches, weather, and new greenhouse gas data, have been unified under the one domain:
  • XML formatting now supports Haystack 3.0 nested collections.
  • SAML single sign on authentication is now included.
  • REST API has been updated to Haystack v4 standards.
  • SkySpark is now stable when running as a HTTPS server, meaning reverse proxies are no longer needed for embedded devices.

So, what do I need to do?

If you're wondering if you should update your SkySpark systems, then hopefully this article gives a high level summary of the main changes.

  1. Update SkySpark
  2. Run the Migration Tool
  3. Re-compile any Fantom extensions, or download the latest compatible version from StackHub
  4. And as always, TEST, TEST, TEST, before committing any system changes to production

Need help or advice?

If in doubt, then just ask! Send us a message and we'll do our best to help.

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